Small Hotel in the Valley Pusteria Garni

39030 Vandoies (BZ)

Basic data

Living area
1.100 m2
Sales area
1.385 m2
Year of construction2006
Classification ⋆⋆⋆
Bedroom/ Room16
Energy class Clima House A nature (< 30 kWh)
Selling price 1.600.000 €


Small but nice. Sympathetic, as good as new, four-storey hotel for sale in a beautiful central location in the Valley Pustertal/ Pusteria. GOOD TO KNOW: For sale is a very nice hotel, with as good as new building fabric, embedded in sophisticated landscape, at the entrance of the Pustertal. The property was built in 2006 in "KlimaHaus A" design, solar collectors included, and has a total of AREA DIVISION: 4 floors, with a bed capacity of 38 beds. The hotel is located about 9 km from the Meranzen-Gitschberg-Jochtal ski area. Gross areas: Basement: approx. 250 m2 Raised ground floor: approx. 258 m2 1st upper floor: approx. 250 m2 2nd upper floor: approx. 242 m2 Garden: approx. 300 m2 PLUS: An approved extension project with expandable total capacity to a total of 50 beds is available.

Floor plan

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