
Publisher and owner
Immoconsulter vGmbH/srls
Daniel Peslalz
Via della Chiesa/Kirchweg 5
I-39031 Brunico/Bruneck (BZ)
VAT 03175340219
+39 3481681544


Objects & Virtual Tour | © Immoco
Daniel Peslalz - Lukas Neumair
Shutterstock 511372381 - Pixelpliss/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 2138037665 - nampix/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 2303578773 - megaflopp/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 1659072454 - PIXEL to the PEOPLE/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 2138402041 - Inside Creative House/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 740966815 - xbrchx/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 1932372551 - lightpoet/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 1836545893 - Christian Rueger/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 1284546754 - Nemp1963/Shutterstock
Shutterstock 2445746367 - Pickadook/Shutterstock

The website uses some free images provided by Pixabay.


Concept, text, SEO & project management
Alexander Glück |


Programming & SEO technology
Patrick Kammerlander 
DiNa4 - Digital Production & Marketing


Web graphics
Nadia Huber |


All content published on this website has been carefully checked by us. No liability or guarantee can be assumed for the correctness and completeness of the content. The same applies to all websites accessed via hyperlinks. We are not responsible for the content of these hyperlinked sites. We reserve the right to update, amend and supplement the content of the website.