Old historic villa in Venice style Cubature / building volume

32032 Feltre (BL)

Basic data

Living area
2.000 m2
Sales area
2.000 m2
Year of construction1900
Selling price 1.500.000 €


This historic villa is situated on Mount Telva, in a panoramic position overlooking the town of Feltre (BL), This historic villa is situated on Mount Telva, in a panoramic position overlooking the town of Feltre (BL), only 1.5 hours from Venice. Built towards the end of the 18th century, it consists of a central body flanked by two lower side wings. It stands on three main levels, plus a basement and attic, and has the layout of a typical Veneto villa. Inside, there is an architectural and decorative apparatus of a certain importance. It is a listed historic-artistic property pursuant to Article 10 of Legislative Decree 42/2004. There is also an outbuilding of considerable size, used as the residence and storehouse of the factor/custodian; in addition, there is a substantial piece of land that occupies a large part of the hill.

Floor plan

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